B.Cahour (coordination), Ch.Chauvin, N.Bonnardel, A.Dommes, I.Gaillard, J.Guibourdenche, A.C.Macquet, A. Vacher
Télécom ParisTech, 46 rue Barrault, Paris 13
Accueil / Welcome
Introduction de la Présidente d’ARPEGE. Béatrice Cahour.
Leena Norros. VTT / Univ. of Helsinki, Finland (présenté par/discussion by I.Gaillard). Understanding acting in complex environments - building a synergy of cultural-historical activity theory, Peirce and ecofunctionalism
Neville Stanton. University of Southampton, UK (présenté par/discussion by A.C.Macquet). Future ways of working – Human Factors Engineering in Sociotechnical Systems design and evaluation
Pause déjeuner / lunch break
Neil Charness. Florida State University, USA (présenté par/discussion by A.Dommes). The promise and Limits of Technology to Promote Successful Longevity
Klaus Fischer. University of Applied Science, Mannheim, Germany (présenté par/discussion by J.Guibourdenche). Sustainability of global value creation: Human Factors Engineering tasks and contributions